My Story

My journey into health started over twenty years ago, when my body sent me a stern message with a debilitating skin rash on my legs, arms and face. Western medicines had little effect over the next couple of years and I was forced to look inward and examine my emotion-driven habits, food choices, and overall lifestyle.

The first thing I did was stop taking steroid creams for my skin, and then I stopped using chemical products on my skin entirely. I researched natural ingredients that would improve the condition of my skin, which turned into a passion for creating essential oil based natural skin care products that I have used exclusively since then.

Then I slowly began to be very discriminating about what foods I put into my body and how much alcohol I drank. I rekindled a passion for physical activity by going to India to become a certified yoga instructor, all while coming to have a profound understanding of the spiritual side of life and the joy of being inspired by the divine.